Trinity Days
October 17, 2024
Keynote: The Rev. Amy E. Reumann
The Rev. Amy E. Reumann serves as ELCA Senior Director for Witness in Society in Washington, D.C. Her leadership directs staff and church advocacy in federal public policy, through the ELCA-affiliated state public policy office (SPPO) network, at the United Nations through Lutheran Office for World Community representation, and with the ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility program. She has served as a parish pastor, Assistant to the Bishop in Milwaukee, Wis., director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania and is a former intern at the Lutheran Office for World Community. Reumann is a graduate of Muhlenberg College, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and the General Theological Seminary, New York City. She recently completed a Louisville Institute Pastoral Studies Grant on “Public Testimony as a Faith Practice.” Reumann is a Master Gardener, manager at an urban farm and loves to garden, quilt and read mysteries.
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl M. Peterson
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl M. Peterson is Academic Dean and Professor of Ecumenical Theology at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. An ordained pastor in the ELCA, she served congregations in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin before joining the faculty of Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University in Columbus Ohio, where she taught systematic theology for 18 years before becoming the dean at Wartburg.
The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life
Hearing on Civic Life & Faith Social Statement
Trinity Day October 17, 2024
All sessions will be held in the Gloria Dei Worship Center of Trinity Lutheran Seminary, 2199 E. Main Street, Columbus, Ohio. Reception will take place in the Koinonia Center on the ground floor of the building.